Piazza San Lorenzo n° 9 - 50123 Firenze
Tel. (+39) 0552937911
Fax (+39) 0552302992
The Library, which is part of the monumental complex of S. Lorenzo, can be reached through the entrance at the left of the church’s doorway, is located in the town centre and is easily accessible on foot or by bus. No private traffic is allowed in the area.
It is possible to reach the Library
from S. Maria Novella train station (around 5-10 minutes):
on foot: through Piazza dell’Unità and along Via del Melarancio; when in Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini walk along the Basilica of S. Lorenzo and then up the flight of steps.
from Florence Airport “Amerigo Vespucci”:
by taxi (around 20 minutes);
by bus (around 20 minutes): take shuttle Volainbus (frequency: every 30 minutes)
from Pisa Airport “Galileo Galilei”:
by train (about 1 hour and 30 minutes): from Pisa Airport to Florence, S. Maria Novella Station (frequency: nearly every hour).
The reading room of the Library is accessible to the disabilities by stairlift.
Copyright © Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2001 – 2016