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Home page» Public Relations Office

The Public Relations Office (U.R.P.) is opened from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. It is possible to contact the Public Relations Office in order to

1) obtain information on services, on-going events and timetables;

2) signal disfunctions and disservices by filling out the appropriate form;

3) gain access to administrative documents kept by the Library (L. 241, 7/8/79, D.P.R. 352, 27/6/92, D.P.R. 184/06, art. 10). Requests can be forwarded also via the form enclosed. Access will be allowed only to applicants who are personally and actually involved in the safeguard of legally relevant matters. Some documents are excluded from public access for security reasons (L. 241/90 art. 24, DPR 352/ 92 art. 8,D.M.B.C.A. 26/10/94 n. 682, D.P.R. 184, 12/4/06).

Compiled forms can be sent back to the Library by e-mail ([email protected]) or fax (++30552302992)

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