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Gli Umanisti e Agostino: codici in mostra

Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Pluteo.12.22,c.2r

Thursday 12 December 2001 the Library will inaugurate the exhibition "Gli umanisti e Agostino: codici in mostra", organized by the Centro di Studi sul Classicismo at San Gimignano. For the occasion it will be possible to admire about one hundred manuscripts from the Laurenziana, the Biblioteca Riccardiana and the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence. The codices will be displayed according to a plan which aims at showing, chronologically, the features of the manuscripts belonging to Coluccio Salutati and Niccolò Niccoli, those of the bookscommissioned at the end of the 15th century by Lorenzo il Magnifico as well as the peculiarities of smaller groups or single cases such as the exemplar owned by Marsilio Ficino now in the Riccardiana. The manuscripts on display will allow the visitor to get a feeling of what the thousands of other codices containing Augustine spread all over the world look like. Nonetheless the exhibition will not be limited to a mere display of a series of 'beautiful' manuscripts. Indeed, it aims at focusing on how Augustine was read and utilized by the hundreds of famous, less famous or obscure readers who left their notes between the lines and in the margins of manuscripts containing the Father's works. Thus, it will be possible to define how, through whom and with which consequences the thought of Augustine influenced the birth and development of Humanism in Florence and Tuscany.

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